Component Assembly
Dabir Industries is unique because we can machine and assemble your parts. Instead of assembling your own components (or relying on unskilled labor), our experienced craftsman can inspect and assemble your parts before they leave our facility. We’ll issue inspection reports and ensure that everything fits together after machining. And if by chance there’s a problem, it’s easier to repair or remanufacture the component because we supervise the entire manufacturing process. Our customers love knowing that our attention to machining precision is carried over to assembly.
Do you need labeling?
If your parts require labeling after machining or prior to assembly, we can laser-engrave them for you.
All under one roof
We’re your one-stop-shop for manufacturing partial assemblies. Let our experienced staff use their mechanical know-how to assemble your most critical components.
Cleaning and assembly together
Many of our customers rely on our cleaning facility during assembly. We’ll clean and package your parts and assemblies in-house to be ready for your controlled environment.